The company will become a worldwide market leader in the Flying Car industry, by developing various universal patented flight platforms, to convert mass-produced vehicles into flying cars.

The company is in the first round of raising $ 3,000,000 for the planning (PRR) of the first platform, a quadcopter to fly the cabin of a modular electric car.

Later, according to the business plan, a strategic investor, a car manufacturer, will be added to the project.

The strategic investor will earn an exclusivity with respect to the use of the patent, for a period of time. Only at the end of the exclusivity of the strategic partner, other car producers will be allowed to produce car that can be flown by the Eagles.

Yes, the patent is registered in Israel, USA, Germany, Italy, France, UK, Czech Republic & Australia

After conducting an in-depth market analysis, I cracked the secret of failure and found the recipe for success: modularity (Separation between the car and the flight platform) – is a must, and universality: the ability to connect numerous models of cars to the same flight platform.

According to Morgan Stanley, flying cars could initially gain market share from cars on the road, planes and public transportation. However, it could also open up a whole new world of business across multiple sectors. In its base case, these opportunities point to a total addressable market of $1.5 trillion by 2040. A more bullish forecast places the market at $2.9 trillion.